I was on Steam talking to my friend. He said the TF2 EOTL (Love and War) update is now live. I downloaded it and checked the Steam Store. There was a game called Zombie Gorilla XTREME GOTY GORILLA EDITION that was released and went on sale for 100% off for 3 days but I got to keep it! I downloaded it. It was 250 Megabytes. But because of Steam's Compression I only had to download 100 MB. I loaded it up. THEN IT TURNED OUT TO BE GAME TYCOON 1.5! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THE GAME WOULDN'T CLOSE UNTIL IT CRASHED! Then I uninstalled it and Steam removed it off of the store. Then a legit version came on same thing. I downloaded it. It was a cheap rip-off of L4D. It's L4D Shit Edition On The Same Engine But With Gorillas With No DLC And Bullshit. THEN THERE WAS BULLSHIT! Then a strange game named Pokemon Ghostly Poop Brown appeared on my desk! (Shameless self promotion: Check.) Since I read my trollpasta of it I QUICKLY BURNT IT. Then Valve saw how shitty it was and pulled it off. It also may have been because of the haunted Pokemon Game that comes with it. But I don't really know. Valve also un-installed it off of everybodies computers and removed it from their libraries. Then it went back to normal. THEN I BROKE A HOT-TUB AND THEN BLOOD CAME OUT! But that's a story for another day. OH NO THE GAME IS BACK! Oh wait it's gone. Hey it's coming back on and going off again! Like a teenager! I can't wait for it's Relationship status to It's Complicated! Hahaha! Wait, they just renamed it to Zambie Apes. Like that'll work. It didn't. I knew it. I know! I think I'll write a Trollpasta on this! That's a good idea! If fact why not write what I'm saying right now too! Before I do that let me go on YouTube. OH NO A VIDEO ABOUT FACEBOOK! THAT'S FUCKING SCARY! I'M GONNA WRITE THE TROLLPASTA NOW! (Then I wrote this trollpasta. There's no real ending to this. It's all bullshit. I gotta piss.)